Monday, November 21, 2011

A Business Of Passion

Yes, I can say that I am pursuing a passion project; my coaching/writing/speaking business Let ME Out (see the page on this blog) was officially launched in July of this year and it's been moving at a fast pace since then. I think that's because it's something I've been gearing up to for years.

The time I spend blogging for Let ME Out, developing workshops, coaching clients, and reading is really fun for me! I've never had this experience of something that is considered "work" to be enjoyable! It's not easy but I'm not swayed by the challenges because I actually want to keep going, keep learning, keep trying, keep reaching. And this enthusiasm is spilling over into other parts of my life which is what I think pursuing your passion is supposed to do! Hence, building a business around helping people remember and release their most passionate, creative Self!!

It's not my only passion project - I have many other projects I'd like to spend more time on, mainly to do with my creative writing. I'd like to write a book for my daughter, and some memoirs, and contribute to magazines and anthologies. I'd like to write to release my Self, not just help others do the same. Otherwise I'd be like a smoking, drinking, garbage-eating doctor. It wouldn't make sense. So helping others is helping me way more than I expected! In fact, it's pretty much a "what came first" scenario. I'm not sure whether my helping others is helping myself or whether helping myself is helping others. Kind of a nice cycle to get caught up in, though.

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