Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lucky Me!

I'm kind of not enjoying these "extreme" kinds of questions. The happiest, the luckiest...does anyone really know? I am going to have to start reading the blogs of other NaBloPoMoers and see how they are responding.

Anyway, the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me hasn't been one specific event but rather the fact that I have somehow come to the realization that everything that has happened in my life, even the really crappy things, has actually been done FOR me and not TO me. True, I still have plenty of moments when I ask why, why, why?? But somewhere deep down inside me is the knowledge that I am being looked after by some unknown force or forces, that brilliant angels and guardians and ancestors are wrapping me in love and light, no matter how dark my dark might get.

I think I'm pretty lucky to know that in my bones, in my heart and even in my head when I let it get there. I am lucky to have had the love that I have from both my grandmothers and my mom: 3 amazing women. I'm lucky that I still have my maternal grandmother. I'm lucky that in some ways I still have the women I have lost. Like I said, crappy things have happened but I have learned from them fairly well, I think.

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